Why would you need a design?
A professionally drawn design can save you both time and money, even for the do-it-yourselfer. A scale drawing will show you exactly how many plants you will need and where they should go. It may also be a helpful guide if a large project will take a number of years to complete. A professional design is the best way to get the right plant in the right spot.
What to Expect of a Design?
Included in the proposal package is a scale drawing of the site detailing the work to be done and a proposal of costs for the project. The drawing is a top view of the site with all plants and hardscape materials labeled for easy reference. The proposal is an itemized price list of all materials and labor necessary to complete the project.
Charges and Procedures for Residential Landscape Design
- There is no charge for a consultation concerning landscape design. If the details of your project can be determined on the initial visit and off site design work in not necessary, there is no charge for this service.
- If off site design work is involved, there is a minimum charge of $50.00. On larger projects (over $2500.00), the design fee will be 2% of the proposed cost of the project not to exceed $300.00.
- Payment for design services will be applied at the final billing of a contracted project.
- Once the design has been purchased, there are no additional charges for changes or modifications
- Construction drawings for hardscape items are available at additional cost.